I'll make a video documentation later, don't worry.

Cary/Michael Huang's Bubbly Pop Showcase (Reference)


-Keep a mouse or touchscreen handy.

-Name yourself before beginning (press, "Name")

-Hit "Play!"

-Pop most bubbles possible!

Bubble Functions:

Green: Tap = Pop

Red: Avoid until it dies on its own = Pop

Orange: Drag = Pop

Pink: Shake vigorously = Pop

Cyan: Triple Tap = Pop

Indigo: Drag & Drop = Pop, but it also explodes, eliminating other nearby bubbles.

Black: Drag & Isolate from bubbles = Pop

White: Drag to another bubble = Duplicate other bubble & Pop

Red/Green Flipper: Only tap when green = Pop


Elements: Board, background, bubbles.

To pop a bubble, you should accomplish its corresponding function which is listed above. Bubbles can also pop on their own, which would hinder you, taking some health away. Its approach to popping on its own is shown by an inverted growing circle in the center of the bubble. It pops when it occupies all of the white area's space.

The background can change color, the closer it is to red, the closer you are to losing. 

The board has two gradients, one vertical, and one horizontal. The horizontal gradient is your health. Your health can be hindered once a bubble pops on its own, or if you pop a red one. You can increase health each time you level up. The vertical gradient is your streak cooldown. Each time you pop a bubble, it gets reset, if you pop another bubble while the streak gradient is present, your streak increases.


-The leaderboard refreshes occasionally after long periods of inactivity, if you do good, it would be a good idea to take a screenshot or something. Please consider donating to help setup some custom servers and advance the fun of this game!

-There's lots of bright imagery!

-Some data/settings get saved to your platform, so don't be too surprised if you find a few bytes worth of data occupation.

V0.91 Changelog: 

-Unranked mode: Custom

-Three new bubble types: Black, White, and Red-Green Flipper

-Updated minor leaderboard bugs

-Fixed odd bubble behavior

-Reduced extra files

-Slightly laggier, but this will be fixed